I work as Expert Director with a primary focus on ITSM. I have been working with ITSM in some form almost all of my more than 35 years in the IT industry as developer, consultant, instructor and mentor. I’m certified in numerous frameworks and best practices including ITIL, COBIT, SIAM and Prosci Change Management Practitioner. I’m also accredited instructor and auditor for ITIL and SIAM delivering training and auditing training material and participating in the accreditation of instructors. As an ITSM consultant I have been part of small engagements from a few days to a week and projects from several month to more than a year in very small IT organization to very large, global IT organizations. My passion is to share knowledge and enable others to do a better job. That’s why I love to do education and training and also why I have been engaged in volunteer work in interest organizations with 10 years on the board of IT Service Management Forum Denmark, numerous years in sub committees and working groups on both the local and the global level, the past two years on the IT Service Management Forum International Executive Board and lately also as SIAM network facilitator at Danish IT Society. Being a mentor and utilizing the LinkedIn Career Advice Hub is another way of giving back to the community. In addition I have been a reviewer of several publications including some of the ITIL volumes and part of the translation team of the ITIL Glossary and the ITIL Foundation Handbook into Danish. My background, experience and involvement awarded me the distinction Fellow in Service Management from The priSM Institute in 2013.
Technical Skills
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